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7 Top SEO tips for 2019

The magic word for a succesfull website in 2019 is SEO and every website owner is looking for ways to raise its traffic and improve its ranking on Google.

Below you can read 7 top SEO tips for 2019 that work and will make your website thrive and dominate your market niche!

1 Find your niche

Several years ago l read an article titled Get rich in your niche and l found it very attractive and made sense to me to find a niche and dominate it. It is very essential to market your business correctly in your market niche instead of covering a huge market that it is impossible to compete.

2 Find the money keywords of your niche

The second step is to find the money keywords of your website and built the website around them. The money keywords are the keywords that bring the money to your website. They are the search terms the potential customers are using to find your product or services with a buying intention.

3 Create a landing page for every keyword

A landing page is the first page a visitor sees when entering your website. It fair enough to have only one landing page for every keyword you want to rank to avoid keyword cannibalization.

4 Optimize the landing page

As you notice it is like we have a step by step guide here and the fourth step is to optimize the landing page. Optimization includes the following:

  • Write a compelling title
  • Write more than a thousand words with useful information about the topic
  • Be specific and describe your Unique Selling Proposition
  • Use at least one good photo or a video
  • Use internal links and at least one relevant external link to an authority site

5 Work you site speed

Site speed is one of the most critical ranking factors for 2019 and you must try not to exceed the two seconds load time barrier. You may find your real site speed by using the Pingdom Tool.

The optimal website speed is for 2019 one second or one and half.

6 Optimize for mobile phones

Mobile search is the number one searching method today with more than the 90% of the population to use the mobile search in his every day life. You need to think mobile first and then to optimize for the pcs and laptops.

7 Build quality backlinks for every single keyword

You need at least one backlink from a good authority and relevant website so Google will crawl your website effectively and for sure. Then you need at least 10 to start ranking for the given keywords.

Backlinks must be natural and must look like this.

See more about SEO:

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